Biblical Literacy

For background, please see my very first post, "Treasure Hunt."

April 20, 2011
Passover is this week. Easter is next weekend. I gave the girls a heavy dose of passover teaching from a kid-friendly website. If we do it a little each year, maybe they'll get the connections between the Jewish Calendar and Jesus' life  sooner than I did. 
Our evening reading just happened to land on the passage where Jesus was celebrating the last supper and Passover was mentioned. Big sister said, "Hey- Passover! And we're reading it tonight. I'll bet God did that on purpose!"

October 2011
It happened again. Sukkot, or the Festival of Tabernacles, is celebrated this week and our scripture reading just happens to be 2 Chronicles 4-6.
2Chronicles 5:1...
So the Temple was finally finished...This celebration took place in October (Tishrei 15-21) at the annual Festival of Tabernacles.
The Ark of the Covenant was moved from the tabernacle in the City of David to its new home in the Temple.
...loud playing of musical instruments--all praising and thanking the Lord.  Their theme was "He is so good!  His lovingkindness endures forever!"
And at that moment the glory of the Lord, coming as a bright cloud, filled the Temple so that the priests could not continue their work."

Knowing God's Calendar has made all the difference!

May 2012
The girls and I have read through the Bible for the first time. We began in September 2009. Now, in the spirit of Simchat Torah, we will have a party to celebrate the Word of God!